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interactive approach

  • 1 итеративный метод

    Русско-английский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию > итеративный метод

  • 2 итеративный метод

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > итеративный метод

  • 3 итеративный метод

    1) Mathematics: learning method
    3) Geophysics: iteration technique
    5) General subject: iterative technique

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > итеративный метод

  • 4 метод

    approach, device, manner, mean, method, mode, practice, procedure, system, technique, technology, theory, way
    * * *
    ме́тод м.
    method; procedure; technique
    агрегатнопото́чный ме́тод — conveyor-type production [production-line] method
    аксиомати́ческий ме́тод — axiomatic [postulational] method
    ме́тод амплиту́дного ана́лиза — kick-sorting method
    анаглифи́ческий ме́тод картогр.anaglyphic(al) method
    ме́тод аналити́ческой вста́вки топ. — cantilever extension, cantilever (strip) triangulation
    ме́тод быстре́йшего спу́ска стат.steepest descent method
    вариацио́нный ме́тод — variational method
    ме́тод Верне́йля радиоVerneuil method
    весово́й ме́тод — gravimetric method
    ме́тод ветве́й и грани́ц киб.branch and bound method
    ме́тод взба́лтывания — shake method
    визуа́льный ме́тод — visual method
    ме́тод возду́шной прое́кции — aero-projection method
    ме́тод враще́ния — method of revolution
    ме́тод вреза́ния — plunge-cut method
    ме́тод вре́мени пролё́та — time-of-flight method
    вре́мя-и́мпульсный ме́тод ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — pulse-counting method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод встре́чного фрезерова́ния — conventional [cut-up] milling method
    ме́тод вы́бега эл.retardation method
    ме́тод вымета́ния мат.sweep(ing)-out method
    ме́тод гармони́ческого бала́нса киб., автмт.describing function method
    ме́тод гармони́ческой линеариза́ции — describing function method
    голографи́ческий ме́тод — holographic method
    гравиметри́ческий ме́тод — gravimetric(al) method
    графи́ческий ме́тод — graphical method
    ме́тод графи́ческого трансформи́рования топ.grid method
    графоаналити́ческий ме́тод — semigraphical method
    ме́тод гра́фов мат.graph method
    группово́й ме́тод ( в высокочастотной телефонии) — grouped-frequency basis
    систе́ма рабо́тает групповы́м ме́тодом — the system operates on the grouped-frequency basis
    ме́тод двух ре́ек геод., топ. — two-staff [two-base] method
    ме́тод двух узло́в ( в анализе электрических цепей) — nodal-pair method
    ме́тод дирекцио́нных угло́в геод.method of gisements
    ме́тод запа́са про́чности ( в расчетах конструкции) — load factor method
    ме́тод засе́чек афс.resection method
    ме́тод зерка́льных изображе́ний эл.method of electrical images
    ме́тод зо́нной пла́вки ( в производстве монокристаллов полупроводниковых материалов) — floating-zone method, floating-zone technique
    ме́тод избы́точных концентра́ций ( для опробования гипотетического механизма реакции) — isolation method (of the testing the rate equations)
    ме́тод измере́ния, абсолю́тный — absolute [fundamental] method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, конта́ктный — contact method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, ко́свенный — indirect method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, относи́тельный — relative method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния по то́чкам — point-by-point method
    ме́тод измере́ния, прямо́й — direct method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния угло́в по аэросни́мкам — photogoniometric method
    ме́тод изображе́ний эл. — method of images, image method
    ме́тод изото́пных индика́торов — tracer method
    иммерсио́нный ме́тод — immersion method
    и́мпульсный ме́тод свар.pulse method
    ме́тод и́мпульсов — momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод инве́рсии — inversion method
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа, основно́й вчт. — basic indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа с очередя́ми вчт. — queued indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    интерференцио́нный ме́тод — interferometric method
    ме́тод испыта́ний — testing procedure, testing method
    ме́тод испыта́ний, кисло́тный — acid test
    ме́тод испыта́ний, пане́льный — panel-spalling test
    ме́тод испыта́тельной строки́ тлв.test-line method
    ме́тод иссле́дований напряже́ний, опти́ческий — optical stress analysis
    ме́тод истече́ния — efflux method
    ме́тод итера́ции — iteration method, iteration technique
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges to a solution
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к (бы́строй или ме́дленной) сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges quickly or slowly
    ме́тод картосоставле́ния — map-compilation [plotting] method
    ме́тод кача́ющегося криста́лла ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — rotating-crystal method
    ка́чественный ме́тод — qualitative method
    кессо́нный ме́тод — caisson method
    коли́чественный ме́тод — quantitative method
    колориметри́ческий ме́тод — colorimetric method
    ме́тод кольца́ и ша́ра — ball-and-ring method
    комплексометри́ческий ме́тод ( для определения жёсткости воды) — complexometric method
    кондуктометри́ческий ме́тод — conductance-measuring method
    ме́тод коне́чных ра́зностей — finite difference method
    ме́тод консерви́рования — curing method
    ме́тод контро́ля, дифференци́рованный — differential control method
    ме́тод контро́ля ка́чества — quality control method
    ме́тод ко́нтурных то́ков — mesh-current [loop] method
    ме́тод ко́нуса — cone method
    ме́тод корнево́го годо́графа киб., автмт.root-locus method
    корреляцио́нный ме́тод — correlation method
    ко́свенный ме́тод — indirect method
    ме́тод кра́сок ( в дефектоскопии) — dye-penetrant method
    лаборато́рный ме́тод — laboratory method
    ме́тод ла́ковых покры́тий ( в сопротивлении материалов) — brittle-varnish method
    ме́тод лине́йной интерполя́ции — method of proportional parts
    ме́тод Ляпуно́ва аргд.Lyapunov's method
    ме́тод магни́тного порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — magnetic particle [magnetic powder] method
    магни́тно-люминесце́нтный ме́тод ( в дефектоскопии) — fluorescent magnetic particle method
    ме́тод ма́лого пара́метра киб., автмт. — perturbation theory, perturbation method
    ме́тод ма́лых возмуще́ний аргд.perturbation method
    ме́тод мгнове́нной равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — simultaneous lobing [monopulse] method
    ме́тод механи́ческой обрабо́тки — machining method
    ме́тод ме́ченых а́томов — tracer method
    ме́тод микрометри́рования — micrometer method
    ме́тод мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод моме́нтных площаде́й мех.area moment method
    ме́тод Мо́нте-Ка́рло мат.Monte Carlo method
    ме́тод навига́ции, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] navigation
    ме́тод навига́ции, угломе́рный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] navigation
    ме́тод наиме́ньших квадра́тов — method of least squares, least-squares technique
    ме́тод наискоре́йшего спу́ска мат.method of steepest descent
    ме́тод нака́чки ( лазера) — pumping [excitation] method
    ме́тод накопле́ния яд. физ. — “backing-space” method
    ме́тод наложе́ния — method of superposition
    ме́тод напыле́ния — evaporation technique
    ме́тод нару́жных заря́дов горн.adobe blasting method
    ме́тод незави́симых стереопа́р топ.method of independent image pairs
    ненулево́й ме́тод — deflection method
    ме́тод неопределё́нных мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод неподви́жных то́чек — method of fixed points
    неразруша́ющий ме́тод — non-destructive method, non-destructive testing
    нерекурси́вный ме́тод — non-recursive method
    нето́чный ме́тод — inexact method
    нефелометри́ческий ме́тод — nephelometric method
    ме́тод нивели́рования по частя́м — method of fraction levelling
    нулево́й ме́тод — null [zero(-deflection) ] method
    ме́тод нулевы́х бие́ний — zero-beat method
    ме́тод нулевы́х то́чек — neutral-points method
    ме́тод обеспе́чения надё́жности — reliability method
    ме́тод обрабо́тки — processing [working, tooling] method
    ме́тод обра́тной простра́нственной засе́чки топ.method of pyramid
    обра́тно-ступе́нчатый ме́тод свар.step-back method
    ме́тод объединё́нного а́тома — associate atom method
    объекти́вный ме́тод — objective method
    объё́мный ме́тод — volumetric method
    ме́тод одного́ отсчё́та ( преобразование непрерывной информации в дискретную) — the total value method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    окисли́тельно-восстанови́тельный ме́тод — redox method
    опера́торный ме́тод — operational method
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рно-пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение прямой и окружности) — rho-theta [r-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния отбе́ливаемости и цве́тности ма́сел — bleach-and-colour method
    ме́тод определе́ния положе́ния ли́нии, двукра́тный геод.double-line method
    ме́тод опти́ческой корреля́ции — optical correlation technique
    ме́тод осажде́ния — sedimentation method
    ме́тод осо́бых возмуще́ний аргд.singular perturbation method
    ме́тод осредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод отбо́ра проб — sampling method, sampling technique
    ме́тод отклоне́ния — deflection method
    ме́тод отопле́ния метал.fuel practice
    ме́тод отраже́ния — reflection method
    ме́тод отражё́нных и́мпульсов — pulse-echo method
    ме́тод отыска́ния произво́дной, непосре́дственный — delta method
    ме́тод па́дающего те́ла — falling body method
    ме́тод парамагни́тного резона́нса — paramagnetic-resonance method
    ме́тод пе́рвого приближе́ния — first approximation method
    ме́тод перева́ла мат.saddle-point method
    ме́тод перено́са коли́чества движе́ния аргд.momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод перераспределе́ния моме́нтов ( в расчёте конструкций) — moment distribution method
    ме́тод пересека́ющихся луче́й — crossed beam method
    ме́тод перехо́дного состоя́ния ( в аналитической химии) — transition state method
    ме́тод перпендикуля́ров — offset method
    ме́тод перспекти́вных се́ток топ.grid method
    ме́тод пескова́ния с.-х.sanding method
    пикнометри́ческий ме́тод — bottle method
    ме́тод площаде́й физ.area method
    ме́тод повторе́ний геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    ме́тод подбо́ра — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод подо́бия — similitude method
    ме́тод подориенти́рования топ.setting on points of control
    ме́тод по́лной деформа́ции — total-strain method
    ме́тод полови́нных отклоне́ний — half-deflection method
    ме́тод положе́ния геод. — method of bearings, method of gisements
    полуколи́чественный ме́тод — semiquantitative method
    ме́тод поля́рных координа́т — polar method
    ме́тод попу́тного фрезерова́ния — climb [cut-down] milling method
    порошко́вый ме́тод ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — powder [Debye-Scherer-Hull] method
    ме́тод посе́ва — seeding technique
    ме́тод после́довательного счё́та ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — incremental method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод после́довательных исключе́ний — successive exclusion method
    ме́тод после́довательных подстано́вок — method of successive substitution, substitution process
    ме́тод после́довательных попра́вок — successive correction method
    ме́тод после́довательных приближе́ний — successive approximation method
    ме́тод после́довательных элимина́ций — method of exhaustion
    ме́тод послесплавно́й диффу́зии полупр.post-alloy-diffusion technique
    потенциометри́ческий компенсацио́нный ме́тод — potentiometric method
    пото́чно-конве́йерный ме́тод — flow-line conveyor method
    пото́чный ме́тод — straight-line flow method
    ме́тод прерыва́ний ( для измерения скорости света) — chopped-beam method
    приближё́нный ме́тод — approximate method
    ме́тод проб и оши́бок — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод программи́рующих програ́мм — programming program method
    ме́тод продолже́ния топ.setting on points on control
    ме́тод проекти́рования, моде́льно-маке́тный — model-and-mock-up method of design
    ме́тод простра́нственного коди́рования ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — coded pattern method (OF analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод простра́нственной самофикса́ции — self-fixation space method
    прямо́й ме́тод — direct method
    ме́тод псевдослуча́йных чи́сел — pseudorandom number method
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — lobing, beam [lobe] switching
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны, мгнове́нный рлк. — simultaneous lobing, monopulse
    ме́тод ра́вных высо́т геод.equal-altitude method
    ме́тод ра́вных деформа́ций ( в проектировании бетонных конструкций) — equal-strain method
    ме́тод ра́вных отклоне́ний — equal-deflection method
    радиацио́нный ме́тод — radiation method
    ме́тод радиоавтогра́фии — radioautograph technique
    ме́тод радиоакти́вных индика́торов — tracer method
    радиометри́ческий ме́тод — radiometric method
    ме́тод разбавле́ния — dilution method
    ме́тод разделе́ния тлв.separation method
    ме́тод разделе́ния переме́нных — method of separation of variables
    ме́тод разли́вки метал. — teeming [pouring, casting] practice
    ме́тод разме́рностей — dimensional method
    ра́зностный ме́тод — difference method
    ме́тод разруша́ющей нагру́зки — load-factor method
    разруша́ющий ме́тод — destructive check
    ме́тод рассе́яния Рэле́я — Rayleigh scattering method
    ме́тод ра́стра тлв.grid method
    ме́тод ра́стрового скани́рования — raster-scan method
    ме́тод расчё́та по допусти́мым нагру́зкам — working stress design [WSD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та по разруша́ющим нагру́зкам стр. — ultimate-strength design [USD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та при по́мощи про́бной нагру́зки стр.trial-load method
    ме́тод расчё́та, упру́гий стр.elastic method
    резона́нсный ме́тод — resonance method
    ме́тод реитера́ций геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    рентгенострукту́рный ме́тод — X-ray diffraction method
    ме́тод реше́ния зада́чи о четвё́ртой то́чке геод.three-point method
    ме́тод решета́ мат.sieve method
    ру́порно-ли́нзовый ме́тод радиоhorn-and-lens method
    ме́тод самоторможе́ния — retardation method
    ме́тод сви́лей — schlieren technique, schlieren method
    ме́тод сдви́нутого сигна́ла — offset-signal method
    ме́тод секу́щих — secant method
    ме́тод се́рого кли́на физ.gray-wedge method
    ме́тод се́ток мат., вчт.net(-point) method
    ме́тод сече́ний ( в расчёте напряжений в фермах) — method of sections
    символи́ческий ме́тод — method of complex numbers
    ме́тод симметри́чных составля́ющих — method of symmetrical components, symmetrical component method
    ме́тод синхро́нного накопле́ния — synchronous storage method
    ме́тод скани́рования полосо́й — single-line-scan television method
    ме́тод скани́рования пятно́м — spot-scan photomultiplier method
    ме́тод смеще́ния отде́льных узло́в стр.method of separate joint displacement
    ме́тод совпаде́ний — coincidence method
    ме́тод сосредото́ченных пара́метров — lumped-parameter method
    ме́тод спада́ния заря́да — fall-of-charge method
    спектроскопи́ческий ме́тод — spectroscopic method
    ме́тод спира́льного скани́рования — spiral-scan method
    ме́тод сплавле́ния — fusion method
    ме́тод сплошны́х сред ( в моделировании) — continuous field analog technique
    ме́тод сре́дних квадра́тов — midsquare method
    статисти́ческий ме́тод — statistical technique
    статисти́ческий ме́тод оце́нки — statistical estimation
    ме́тод статисти́ческих испыта́ний — Monte Carlo method
    стробоголографи́ческий ме́тод — strobo-holographic method
    стробоскопи́ческий ме́тод — stroboscopic method
    стру́йный ме́тод метал.jet test
    ступе́нчатый ме́тод ( сварки или сверления) — step-by-step method
    субъекти́вный ме́тод — subjective method
    ме́тод сухо́го озоле́ния — dry combustion method
    ме́тод сухо́го порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — dry method
    счё́тно-и́мпульсный ме́тод — pulse-counting method
    табли́чный ме́тод — diagram method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной аэросъё́мки — television method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной фотограмме́трии — television method
    тенево́й ме́тод — (direct-)shadow method
    термоанемометри́ческий ме́тод — hot-wire method
    топологи́ческий ме́тод — topological method
    ме́тод то́чечного вплавле́ния полупр.dot alloying method
    то́чный ме́тод — exact [precision] method
    ме́тод травле́ния, гидри́дный — sodium hydride descaling
    ме́тод трапецеида́льных характери́стик — Floyd's trapezoidal approximation method, approximation procedure
    ме́тод трёх баз геод.three-base method
    ме́тод триангуля́ции — triangulation method
    ме́тод трилатера́ции геод.trilateration method
    ме́тод углово́й деформа́ции — slope-deflection method
    ме́тод углово́й модуля́ции — angular modulation method
    ме́тод удаля́емого трафаре́та полупр.rejection mask method
    ме́тод удаля́емой ма́ски рад.rejection mask method
    ме́тод узло́в ( в расчёте напряжении в фермах) — method of joints
    ме́тод узловы́х потенциа́лов — node-voltage method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по направле́ниям геод. — method of directions, direction method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по угла́м геод. — method of angles, angle method
    ме́тод уравнове́шивания — balancing method
    ме́тод усредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод фа́зового контра́ста ( в микроскопии) — phase contrast
    наблюда́ть ме́тодом фа́зового контра́ста — examine [study] by phase contrast
    ме́тод фа́зовой пло́скости — phase plane method
    ме́тод факториза́ции — factorization method
    флотацио́нный ме́тод — floatation method
    ме́тод формирова́ния сигна́лов цве́тности тлв.colour-processing method
    ме́тод центрифуги́рования — centrifuge method
    цепно́й ме́тод астр.chain method
    чи́сленный ме́тод — numerical method
    ме́тод Чохра́льского ( в выращивании полупроводниковых кристаллов) — Czochralski method, vertical pulling technique
    ме́тод Шо́ра — Shore hardness
    щупово́й ме́тод — stylus method
    ме́тод электрофоре́за — electrophoretic method
    эмпири́ческий ме́тод — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    энергети́ческий ме́тод
    1. косм. energy method
    2. стр. strain energy method
    ме́тод энергети́ческого бала́нса — power balance method
    эргати́ческий ме́тод ( при общении человека с ЭВМ) — interactive [conversational] technique

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > метод

  • 5 acceder

    1 to agree ( (consent).
    acceder a una petición to grant a request
    2 to consent, to accede, to assent, to comply.
    Ella accedió a su petición She consented to his request.
    3 to come over.
    A feeling of fear came over her Una sensación de miedo la accedió.
    * * *
    1 (consentir) to consent (a, to), agree (a, to)
    2 (tener entrada) to enter
    3 (alcanzar) to accede (a, to)
    acceder al poder to come to power, take office
    acceder a la universidad be admitted to university, enter university
    * * *
    2) access, gain access to
    * * *
    1) (=aceptar) to agree

    acceder a algo — to agree to sth


    acceder a (=entrar)

    a) [+ lugar] to gain access to; [+ grupo social, organización] to be admitted to

    no pueden acceder al mercado laboral por no tener estudios — they have no access to the labour market because they have no qualifications

    si ganan este partido, acceden a la final — if they win this match they go through to the final

    b) (Inform) [+ fichero, Internet] to access
    3) (=conseguir)

    acceder a[+ información] to gain access to, access

    accedió a una graduación superior — he attained a higher rank, he was promoted to a higher rank

    acceder al poderto assume power

    acceder a la propiedad de algo — to become the owner of sth

    acceder al tronoto succeed to the throne

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo

    acceder a algo a lugar to gain access to something; a premio to be eligible for something; a cargo to accede to something (frml)

    accedió al tronohe came o succeeded to the throne

    2) ( ceder)

    accedió a regañadientes — he agreed with great reluctance, he reluctantly gave in

    acceder a algo — to agree to something, to accede to something (frml)

    acceder a + inf — to agree to + inf

    * * *
    = access, contact, gain + access, get into, accede, gain + admittance.
    Ex. Teletext services are broadcast information services which may be accessed in a non-interactive mode.
    Ex. Hosts in Europe can also be contacted through the European part of the IPSS network.
    Ex. Libraries gain access to their own files by means of terminals connected to the central computer.
    Ex. To get into these national and international networks which are suitable for long-distance communication, a telephone link must be used to access the closest node.
    Ex. Once Modjeski heard him express sympathy, she knew she could wheedle him into acceding.
    Ex. In the early 1800s libraries were used by only the small portion of the population that could gain admittance.
    * acceder a = approach, fall in with, get at, agree to.
    * acceder haciendo clic = click.
    * acceder ilegalmente = hack.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo

    acceder a algo a lugar to gain access to something; a premio to be eligible for something; a cargo to accede to something (frml)

    accedió al tronohe came o succeeded to the throne

    2) ( ceder)

    accedió a regañadientes — he agreed with great reluctance, he reluctantly gave in

    acceder a algo — to agree to something, to accede to something (frml)

    acceder a + inf — to agree to + inf

    * * *
    = access, contact, gain + access, get into, accede, gain + admittance.

    Ex: Teletext services are broadcast information services which may be accessed in a non-interactive mode.

    Ex: Hosts in Europe can also be contacted through the European part of the IPSS network.
    Ex: Libraries gain access to their own files by means of terminals connected to the central computer.
    Ex: To get into these national and international networks which are suitable for long-distance communication, a telephone link must be used to access the closest node.
    Ex: Once Modjeski heard him express sympathy, she knew she could wheedle him into acceding.
    Ex: In the early 1800s libraries were used by only the small portion of the population that could gain admittance.
    * acceder a = approach, fall in with, get at, agree to.
    * acceder haciendo clic = click.
    * acceder ilegalmente = hack.

    * * *
    acceder [E1 ]
    1 (entrar, llegar) acceder A algo to gain access TO sth
    un jardín al cual se accede por dos entradas a garden with access from o which you can enter from two points
    para acceder a la base de datos to access the database, to gain access to the database
    pretendían acceder a los secretos del Pentágono they were trying to gain access to Pentagon secrets
    sólo pueden acceder al premio los menores de 15 años only under-15s are eligible for the prize
    con esta victoria accede a las semifinales with this win she goes through to the semifinals
    2 (a un cargo) acceder A algo to accede TO sth ( frml)
    no pudo acceder a la presidencia he was unable to accede to o to assume the presidency
    accedió al trono he came o succeeded to the throne
    B (consentir) to agree
    accedió a regañadientes he agreed with great reluctance, he reluctantly gave in
    acceder A algo to agree TO sth, to accede TO sth ( frml)
    accedió a sus deseos she bowed o agreed o acceded to his wishes
    accedieron al pago de la deuda they agreed to pay what was owed
    acceder A + INF to agree TO + INF
    accedió a contestar preguntas del público she agreed to answer questions from the audience
    * * *


    acceder ( conjugate acceder) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( consentir) to agree;
    acceder a algo to agree to sth
    2 ( entrar) acceder a algo gain access to sth;
    (Inf) to access sth.
    acceder verbo intransitivo
    1 (conceder, transigir) to accede, consent [a, to]
    2 (entrar, ser admitido) to gain admittance [a, to]: accedió al cargo en 1973, he ocuppied the post in 1973
    3 Inform to access
    ' acceder' also found in these entries:
    - access
    - allow
    - comply
    - consent
    - qualified
    - assent
    * * *
    1. [consentir] to agree;
    acceder a una petición to grant a request;
    accedió a venir she agreed to come;
    accedieron a las demandas de los secuestradores they agreed to o acceded to the kidnappers' demands
    2. [tener acceso]
    acceder a algo to enter sth, to gain entry to sth;
    acceder a una base de datos to access a database;
    se puede acceder directamente a la sala por la puerta trasera there is direct access to the hall by the rear entrance;
    por esa puerta se accede a la cripta that door leads to the crypt;
    desde la biblioteca se puede acceder a Internet you can log on to the Internet at the library;
    las sillas de ruedas accederán por una rampa there is wheelchair access via a ramp
    3. [alcanzar]
    acceder al trono to accede to the throne;
    acceder al poder to come to power;
    accedió al cargo de presidente he became president;
    este título permite acceder a los estudios de posgrado this qualification enables you to go on to do postgraduate studies
    * * *
    1 ( ceder) agree (a to), fml
    accede (a to);
    acceder a un ruego agree to a request;
    acceder a los deseos de alguien bow to s.o.’s wishes
    acceder a lugar gain access to, access; cargo accede to
    * * *
    acceder vi acceder a
    1) : to accede to, to agree to
    2) : to assume (a position)
    3) : to gain access to
    * * *
    1. (aceptar) to agree
    2. (entrar) to enter
    acceder al poder to come to power [pt. came; pp. come]

    Spanish-English dictionary > acceder

  • 6 comenzar

    to start, to begin.
    comenzar diciendo que… to start o begin by saying that…
    comenzar a hacer algo to start doing o to do something
    comenzar por hacer algo to begin by doing something
    “hiena” comienza por hache “hyena” starts with an “h”
    el partido comenzó tarde the game started late
    La fiesta empezó tarde The party began late.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ EMPEZAR], like link=empezar empezar
    1 to begin, start
    1 to begin, start
    comenzó a reír he began to laugh, he began laughing
    comenzar con to begin with
    comenzar + gerund to start by + gerund
    comenzó explicando... he started by explaining...
    comenzar por + inf to begin by +-ing
    comenzó por decir que... he began by saying that...
    comenzar por el principio to begin at the beginning, start at the beginning
    to start by + gerund
    comenzó explicando... he started by explaining...
    * * *
    to begin, start
    * * *
    VT to begin, start, commence frm

    comenzamos el rodaje ayerwe began o started o commenced frm filming yesterday

    comenzó la charla con un agradecimientoshe began o started the talk with a word of thanks

    VI [proyecto, campaña, historia, proceso] to begin, start

    ¿puedo comenzar? — may I start o begin?, can I start o begin?

    comenzó a los diez años haciendo recadoshe began o started at the age of ten as a messenger boy

    al comenzar el añoat the start o beginning of the year

    comenzar a hacer algo — to start o begin doing sth, start o begin to do sth

    la nieve comenzó a caer de nuevo — the snow started falling again, the snow began to fall again

    comencé a trabajar a los dieciocho añosI started o began working at eighteen

    comenzar con algo, la película comienza con una pelea — the film starts o begins with a fight

    para comenzar — to start with

    para comenzar, una sopa de verduras — to start with, vegetable soup

    comenzar por, no sé por dónde comenzar — I don't know where to start o begin

    comenzó por agradecernos nuestra presenciashe started o began by thanking us for coming

    para sentirte mejor, comienza por comer bien — in order to feel better, start by eating well

    todos sois culpables, comenzando por ti — you're all guilty, starting with you

    * * *
    verbo transitivo to begin, commence (frml)
    comenzar vi to begin

    comenzar + ger — to begin by -ing

    comenzar a + inf — to start -ing o to + inf

    comenzar POR + inf — to begin by -ing

    * * *
    = begin, commence, get + started, launch, set about + Gerundio, start, start off, start out, start + Posesivo + life, curtain + rise, enter, kick off, set out, take + flight, get + Nombre + underway, be scheduled to start, get + Posesivo + feet wet, set in, cut + Posesivo + spurs.
    Ex. This section has begun to demonstrate some of the problems associated with the author approach.
    Ex. This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
    Ex. 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.
    Ex. It describes an attempt by leaders in the CD-ROM business to launch a logical file structure standard for CD-ROM.
    Ex. The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme.
    Ex. Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex. If you establish a principle of using the national language, where do you start off?.
    Ex. The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.
    Ex. In effect, the book started its life rather more as a light entertainment middle-of-the-range hardback autobiography but popular acclaim turned it into a huge mass-market paperback success.
    Ex. One of the main contributions in this issue is 'Future directions: the curtain rises on interactive video,' by David Hon.
    Ex. Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'The bucks start here: ALA kicks off library funding campaign'.
    Ex. The person seeking information needs to have all the necessary documentation before setting out, otherwise it could result in considerable expense and much time wasting.
    Ex. The article 'ALA campaign takes flight

    the local level' reports on a five year public education programme sponsored by the American Library Association to promote all types of libraries throughout the USA.

    Ex. The author describes two surveys which the IFLA Section has been involved in to acquire the information necessary to get the project underway.
    Ex. CAPTAIN is scheduled to start commercial services in 1983.
    Ex. Coming clean to voters is something she's gonna have to get used to if she is really serious about getting her feet wet in elected politics.
    Ex. Open or compound fractures were usually fatal prior to the advent of antiseptics in the 1860s because infection would set in.
    Ex. Lorene, who cut her spurs fighting for equal pay, said she was `absolutely gobsmacked' at having won the award.
    * al comenzar = at startup.
    * comenzar a = be on + Posesivo + way to.
    * comenzar a arder = catch on + fire.
    * comenzar Algo = get + Nombre + started.
    * comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * comenzar a luchar contra = begin + war on.
    * comenzar a pensar en = turn + Posesivo + mind to.
    * comenzar a reír = break into + laugh.
    * comenzar bien = get off to + a (good/great) start, make + a good start.
    * comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.
    * comenzar de cero = begin + from scratch, start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again, recommence, make + a new start, start over, make + a fresh start.
    * comenzar desde = set out from.
    * comenzar desde cero = start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar el turno de trabajo = go on + duty.
    * comenzar lento = be slow off the mark, be slow off the blocks.
    * comenzar muy rápido = be off to a fast start.
    * comenzar partiendo de cero = build + from scratch.
    * comenzar por el principio = start from + scratch, start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar pronto = make + an early start.
    * comenzar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * comenzar temprano = get off to + an early start.
    * comenzar una nueva vida = make + a new life for + Reflexivo.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to begin, commence (frml)
    comenzar vi to begin

    comenzar + ger — to begin by -ing

    comenzar a + inf — to start -ing o to + inf

    comenzar POR + inf — to begin by -ing

    * * *
    = begin, commence, get + started, launch, set about + Gerundio, start, start off, start out, start + Posesivo + life, curtain + rise, enter, kick off, set out, take + flight, get + Nombre + underway, be scheduled to start, get + Posesivo + feet wet, set in, cut + Posesivo + spurs.

    Ex: This section has begun to demonstrate some of the problems associated with the author approach.

    Ex: This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
    Ex: 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.
    Ex: It describes an attempt by leaders in the CD-ROM business to launch a logical file structure standard for CD-ROM.
    Ex: The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme.
    Ex: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex: If you establish a principle of using the national language, where do you start off?.
    Ex: The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.
    Ex: In effect, the book started its life rather more as a light entertainment middle-of-the-range hardback autobiography but popular acclaim turned it into a huge mass-market paperback success.
    Ex: One of the main contributions in this issue is 'Future directions: the curtain rises on interactive video,' by David Hon.
    Ex: Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'The bucks start here: ALA kicks off library funding campaign'.
    Ex: The person seeking information needs to have all the necessary documentation before setting out, otherwise it could result in considerable expense and much time wasting.
    Ex: The article 'ALA campaign takes flight \@ the local level' reports on a five year public education programme sponsored by the American Library Association to promote all types of libraries throughout the USA.
    Ex: The author describes two surveys which the IFLA Section has been involved in to acquire the information necessary to get the project underway.
    Ex: CAPTAIN is scheduled to start commercial services in 1983.
    Ex: Coming clean to voters is something she's gonna have to get used to if she is really serious about getting her feet wet in elected politics.
    Ex: Open or compound fractures were usually fatal prior to the advent of antiseptics in the 1860s because infection would set in.
    Ex: Lorene, who cut her spurs fighting for equal pay, said she was `absolutely gobsmacked' at having won the award.
    * al comenzar = at startup.
    * comenzar a = be on + Posesivo + way to.
    * comenzar a arder = catch on + fire.
    * comenzar Algo = get + Nombre + started.
    * comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * comenzar a luchar contra = begin + war on.
    * comenzar a pensar en = turn + Posesivo + mind to.
    * comenzar a reír = break into + laugh.
    * comenzar bien = get off to + a (good/great) start, make + a good start.
    * comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.
    * comenzar de cero = begin + from scratch, start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again, recommence, make + a new start, start over, make + a fresh start.
    * comenzar desde = set out from.
    * comenzar desde cero = start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar el turno de trabajo = go on + duty.
    * comenzar lento = be slow off the mark, be slow off the blocks.
    * comenzar muy rápido = be off to a fast start.
    * comenzar partiendo de cero = build + from scratch.
    * comenzar por el principio = start from + scratch, start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar pronto = make + an early start.
    * comenzar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * comenzar temprano = get off to + an early start.
    * comenzar una nueva vida = make + a new life for + Reflexivo.
    * para comenzar diremos que = to begin with.

    * * *
    comenzar [A6 ]
    to begin, commence ( frml)
    ■ comenzar
    to begin
    al comenzar el día at the beginning of the day
    comenzaré contigo I will begin o start with you
    comenzar + GER to begin BY -ING
    comenzó diciendo que … she began o ( frml) commenced by saying that …
    comenzar A + INF:
    comenzaron a disparar they started firing o to fire, they opened fire
    comenzar POR algo to begin WITH sth
    comencemos por la catedral let us begin with the cathedral
    comenzar POR + INF to begin BY -ING
    comenzaron por amenazarme they began by threatening me
    * * *


    comenzar ( conjugate comenzar) verbo transitivo
    to begin, commence (frml)
    verbo intransitivo
    to begin;

    comenzar haciendo algo/por hacer algo to begin by doing sth;
    comenzar a hacer algo to start doing o to do sth;
    comenzaron a disparar they started firing o to fire;
    comenzar por algo to begin with sth
    comenzar verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo to begin, start
    (a realizar una acción) comenzó a decir barbaridades, he started talking nonsense
    (una serie de acciones) comenzamos por mostrar nuestro desacuerdo, we started by showing our disagreement ➣ Ver nota en begin y start

    ' comenzar' also found in these entries:
    - desencadenarse
    - despuntar
    - entrar
    - iniciarse
    - comience
    - begin
    - come on
    - commence
    - dawn
    - emigrate
    - foot
    - go-ahead
    - open
    - set in
    - start
    - start off
    * * *
    to start, to begin;
    comenzar diciendo que… to start o begin by saying that…
    to start, to begin;
    comenzar a hacer algo to start doing o to do sth;
    comenzar por hacer algo to begin by doing sth;
    “hiena” comienza por hache “hyena” starts with an “h”;
    el partido comenzó tarde the game started late
    * * *
    v/t begin
    * * *
    comenzar {29} v
    empezar: to begin, to start
    * * *
    comenzar vb to start / to begin [pt. began; pp. begun]

    Spanish-English dictionary > comenzar

  • 7 modo

    1 way (manera, forma).
    ¿has visto el modo en que o el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking
    a modo de as, by way of
    al modo de in the style of
    de ese modo in that way
    de ningún modo in no way
    de todos modos in any case, anyway
    de un modo u otro one way or another
    en cierto modo in some ways
    modo de empleo instructions for use
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?
    2 mood (grammar).
    modo adverbial adverbial phrase
    3 mode, brand, manner, way.
    4 grammar mood, mood.
    * * *
    1 way, manner
    1 manners
    a modo de as a, like a
    de todos modos anyhow, at any rate
    en cierto modo in a way
    modo de empleo instructions plural
    modo de ser character
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) way, manner
    2) mode
    3) mood
    - de modo que
    - de todos modos
    * * *
    1) (=manera) way, manner frm

    ¿no hay otro modo de hacerlo? — isn't there another way of doing it?

    a mi modo de pensar o ver — in my view, the way I see it

    2) [locuciones]

    a mi/tu modo — (in) my/your (own) way

    a modo de — as

    a modo de ejemplo/respuesta — by way of example/reply

    en cierto modo — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier modo — [antes de verbo] anyway, in any case; (=después de verbo) anyhow

    de cualquier modo, ahora tenemos que irnos — we have to go now anyway o in any case

    hazlo de cualquier modo — do it anyway you like, do it anyhow, do it any old how *

    de modo + adj

    eso nos afectará de modo directo — this will have a direct effect on us, this will affect us directly

    de ese modo — [antes de verbo] (in) this way; [después de verbo] like that

    grosso modo — broadly speaking

    esa fue, grosso modo, la contestación que nos dio — broadly speaking, that was the answer he gave us

    de mal modo — rudely

    del mismo o de igual modo — in the same way

    todos van vestidos del mismo o de igual modo — they are all dressed the same o in the same way

    de ningún modo o en modo alguno, no quiero de ningún modo o en modo alguno implicarla en esto — I don't want to involve her in this in any way

    ¡de ningún modo! — certainly not!, no way! *

    de todos modos — anyway, all the same, in any case

    aunque no me dejes, me iré de todos modos — even if you don't let me, I'll go anyway o all the same o in any case

    aunque lo esperaba, de todos modos me sorprendió — even though I was expecting it, I was still surprised


    de modo que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¡de modo que eras tú el que llamaba! — so it was you that was calling!

    4) Esp frm (=moderación) moderation
    5) LAm

    ¡ni modo! — (=de ninguna manera) no way *, not a chance *; (=no hay otra alternativa) what else can I/you etc do?

    si no me quieres, ni modo — if you don't love me, what else can I do?

    6) pl modos (=modales) manners

    buenos modos — good manners

    malos modos — bad manners

    7) (Ling) [del verbo] mood

    de modomanner antes de s

    8) (Inform) mode
    9) (Mús) mode

    modo mayor/menor — major/minor mode

    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (manera, forma) way, manner ( frml)
    éste no es modo de hacer las cosas this is no way of going about things
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that
    hay que hacerlo del siguiente modo it has to be done in the following manner
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion
    ¿qué modo de hablarle a tu abuela es ése? that's no way to speak to your grandmother
    [ S ] modo de empleo instructions for use, directions
    me lo pidió de muy mal modo ( AmL); she asked me (for it) very rudely o in a very rude way
    2 ( en locs):
    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way
    hazlo a tu modo do it (in) your (own) way
    le gusta hacer las cosas a su modo he likes to do things his (own) way
    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho
    a modo de introducción by way of introduction
    de cualquier modo (de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway; (sin cuidado) anyhow, any which way ( AmE colloq), any old how ( BrE colloq)
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that)
    de modo que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that
    lo hiciste porque quisiste, de modo que ahora no te quejes you did it because you wanted to, so don't complain now
    ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?
    colócalos de modo que se vean desde aquí arrange them so that they can be seen from here
    yo no puedo aceptarlo, de ningún modo there is no way I can accept it
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow
    no creo que lo pueda lograr, de todos modos volveré a intentarlo I don't think I can do it, but I'll have another try anyway o anyhow
    en cierto modo in a way
    ni modo ( AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? — no, ni modo, las entradas se habían acabado did they get in? — no, no way o not a chance, it was sold out ( colloq)
    traté de persuadirlo para que fuera pero ni modo I tried to persuade him to go but it was no good
    ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am ( colloq)
    ni modo que ( AmL exc CS): tienes que regresar a tu casa, ni modo que te quedes aquí you have to go home, there's no way you're staying here ( colloq)
    B modos mpl (modales) manners (pl)
    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    C ( Ling) mood
    el modo indicativo/subjuntivo the indicative/subjunctive mood
    D ( Mús) mode
    modo mayor/menor
    major/minor mode
    E ( Inf) mode
    sleep mode
    * * *


    modo sustantivo masculino
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml);

    del siguiente modo in the following manner;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion;
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    su modo de ser the way he is;

    ( on signs) modo de empleo instructions for use, directions;

    b) ( en locs)

    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way;

    de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway;

    ( sin cuidado) anyhow;
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that);

    ( para que) so that;

    de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept;
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ni modo (AmL exc CS fam) no way;
    traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good;
    ni modo que te quedes aquí there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
    modos sustantivo masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl);

    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    modo sustantivo masculino
    1 (forma de hacer) way, manner: habla de un modo extraño, he speaks in a strange way
    2 Ling mode: modo imperativo, imperative mood 3 modos, manners: ¡no vengas aquí con esos malos modos!, don't come around here with those bad manners!
    ' modo' also found in these entries:
    - así
    - camino
    - cante
    - canto
    - carácter
    - censurar
    - cocina
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - con
    - conforme
    - de
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - empleo
    - en
    - estilo
    - forma
    - ir
    - gustar
    - habla
    - igualmente
    - inciso
    - indicativa
    - indicativo
    - mirada
    - olla
    - parcial
    - pensión
    - poner
    - proceder
    - radical
    - reconocer
    - replicar
    - risa
    - según
    - sentada
    - sic
    - sistema
    - tal
    - temeraria
    - temerario
    - temperamento
    - tono
    - tres
    - uso
    - ver
    - vía
    - vida
    - alike
    - allowance
    - aloud
    - anyhow
    - as
    - at
    - captivate
    - casually
    - deliriously
    - depressingly
    - direction
    - dramatically
    - educationally
    - fashion
    - funnily
    - gloomily
    - haphazardly
    - harmlessly
    - illegibly
    - impressively
    - inadequately
    - incompletely
    - incomprehensibly
    - inconclusively
    - inconveniently
    - instruction
    - keenly
    - kind
    - loophole
    - love
    - maddeningly
    - manner
    - mode
    - modus operandi
    - mood
    - mother
    - nowhere
    - observe
    - offhandedly
    - originally
    - ostentatious
    - other
    - outrageous
    - pass round
    - plausibly
    - quizzical
    - ravishingly
    - reassuringly
    - reciprocally
    * * *
    1. [manera, forma] way;
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    ése no es modo de comportarse that's no way to behave;
    ¿has visto el modo en que o [m5] el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi modo this time we'll do it my way;
    al modo de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a modo de as, by way of;
    a mi modo de ver the way I see it;
    de algún modo somehow;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier modo the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier modo do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier modo no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de ese/este modo that/this way;
    del mismo modo similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice del mismo modo que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de modo que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ningún modo! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otro modo [si no] otherwise;
    de tal modo (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todos modos in any case, anyway;
    de todos modos seguiremos en contacto in any case, we'll keep in touch;
    de todos modos, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    dicho de otro modo in other words, put another way;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ¡qué modo de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!
    Ling modo de articulación manner of articulation;
    modo de empleo instructions for use;
    modo de pensar way of thinking;
    a mi modo de pensar to my way of thinking;
    modo de ser: [m5] tiene un modo de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su modo de ser I don't like the way he is;
    modo de vida way of life, lifestyle
    modos [modales] manners;
    buenos/malos modos good/bad manners;
    me contestó de buenos/malos modos she answered politely/rudely
    3. Gram mood;
    modo indicativo/subjuntivo indicative/subjunctive mood;
    en modo indicativo in the indicative (mood)
    4. Informát mode
    modo de edición edit mode;
    modo gráfico graphic mode;
    modo de inserción insert mode
    5. Mús mode
    ni modo loc adv
    Am salvo RP [de ninguna manera] no way, not a chance;
    ¿llegaremos a tiempo? – ni modo will we get there on time? – no way o not a chance;
    ni modo pues there's nothing we can do about it, then
    * * *
    1 way;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking;
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way;
    de este modo like this;
    modo de ser personality
    2 GRAM mood
    3 MÚS mode
    modos pl manners;
    de modo que so that;
    de ningún modo not at all;
    de otro modo otherwise;
    de tal modo que so much that;
    de cualquier modo anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way o sense
    * * *
    modo nm
    1) manera: way, manner, mode
    de un modo u otro: one way or another
    a mi modo de ver: to my way of thinking
    2) : mood (in grammar)
    3) : mode (in music)
    a modo de : by way of, in the manner of, like
    a modo de ejemplo: by way of example
    de cualquier modo : in any case, anyway
    de modo que : so, in such a way that
    de todos modos : in any case, anyway
    en cierto modo : in a way, to a certain extent
    * * *
    modo n way

    Spanish-English dictionary > modo

  • 8 repetición

    1 repetition, reiteration.
    2 rerun, re-run.
    3 redundance.
    4 recurrence, recursion.
    * * *
    1 (gen) repetition
    2 (de programa) repeat
    arma de repetición repeater, repeating firearm
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=acción) repetition; (=reaparición) recurrence
    2) (Teat) encore
    * * *
    1) (de hecho, palabra) repetition
    2) ( de programa) repeat, rerun; ( de experimento) repetition

    una repetición de las jugadas más importantes — (TV) edited highlights of the game

    * * *
    = duplication, iteration, playback, redundancy, regurgitation, repeat, repetition, replay, restatement, recapitulation, recurrence, reiteration, replication, reprise, rerun.
    Ex. A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.
    Ex. Any MeSH terms used to describe the documents retrieved are incorporated into the query formulation for further iteration.
    Ex. So, any recording and playback system for TV signal must follow one or another, or several of these standards, and thus be either incompatible or costly.
    Ex. UNIBID has less redundancy and covers more types of bibliographic material than UNIMARC, whereas the latter probably has more entry points for catalogue headings.
    Ex. Many other terms are used to denote a regurgitation or abbreviation of document content.
    Ex. A repeat of this sequence of operations will be responsible for creating other references.
    Ex. To save unnecessary repetition of the word 'subject' we shall from now on refer to subject indexing simply as 'indexing'.
    Ex. These evaluation techniques include full-screen logging, pre- and post-search, online/offline, and in-search interactive questionnaires, search replays as well as talk-aloud.
    Ex. A summary is a restatement, within the document, of the salient findings and conclusions of a document.
    Ex. Here again the contributors are leading scholars, but in this case the emphasis is upon analysis and interpretation rather than factual recapitulation.
    Ex. One of the more surprising findings in the information sciences is the recurrence of a small number of frequency distributions.
    Ex. However, the importance of the catalog has been stressed so repeatedly in cataloging that it should not need reiteration.
    Ex. In spite of diversity there is sufficient overlap and replication of materials for some centralised purchasing and centralised processing to be justifiable.
    Ex. That approach will be in many ways a reprise of the history of libraries.
    Ex. Ultimately, this film is just a land-bound rerun of Jaws, down to the sacrifice of the grizzled, expert hunter so the younger, more clean-cut, family man can face his own fears and prove his prowess.
    * repetición de cursos = grade retention.
    * * *
    1) (de hecho, palabra) repetition
    2) ( de programa) repeat, rerun; ( de experimento) repetition

    una repetición de las jugadas más importantes — (TV) edited highlights of the game

    * * *
    = duplication, iteration, playback, redundancy, regurgitation, repeat, repetition, replay, restatement, recapitulation, recurrence, reiteration, replication, reprise, rerun.

    Ex: A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.

    Ex: Any MeSH terms used to describe the documents retrieved are incorporated into the query formulation for further iteration.
    Ex: So, any recording and playback system for TV signal must follow one or another, or several of these standards, and thus be either incompatible or costly.
    Ex: UNIBID has less redundancy and covers more types of bibliographic material than UNIMARC, whereas the latter probably has more entry points for catalogue headings.
    Ex: Many other terms are used to denote a regurgitation or abbreviation of document content.
    Ex: A repeat of this sequence of operations will be responsible for creating other references.
    Ex: To save unnecessary repetition of the word 'subject' we shall from now on refer to subject indexing simply as 'indexing'.
    Ex: These evaluation techniques include full-screen logging, pre- and post-search, online/offline, and in-search interactive questionnaires, search replays as well as talk-aloud.
    Ex: A summary is a restatement, within the document, of the salient findings and conclusions of a document.
    Ex: Here again the contributors are leading scholars, but in this case the emphasis is upon analysis and interpretation rather than factual recapitulation.
    Ex: One of the more surprising findings in the information sciences is the recurrence of a small number of frequency distributions.
    Ex: However, the importance of the catalog has been stressed so repeatedly in cataloging that it should not need reiteration.
    Ex: In spite of diversity there is sufficient overlap and replication of materials for some centralised purchasing and centralised processing to be justifiable.
    Ex: That approach will be in many ways a reprise of the history of libraries.
    Ex: Ultimately, this film is just a land-bound rerun of Jaws, down to the sacrifice of the grizzled, expert hunter so the younger, more clean-cut, family man can face his own fears and prove his prowess.
    * repetición de cursos = grade retention.

    * * *
    1 (de una pregunta, palabra) repetition
    para evitar repeticiones so as not to repeat myself, so as to avoid repetition
    2 (de un sueño, fenómeno) recurrence
    la repetición de este tema en su obra the recurrence of this theme in his work
    B (de un programa) repeat; (de un experimento) repetition, rerun
    una repetición de las jugadas más importantes (TV) edited highlights of the game
    * * *

    repetición sustantivo femenino
    a) (de experimento, palabra) repetition;

    (de un sueño, fenómeno) recurrence

    repetición sustantivo femenino
    1 repetition
    (en un teléfono) repetición de llamada, redial
    2 TV (de una escena deportiva) replay
    ' repetición' also found in these entries:
    - volver
    - retransmisión
    - tras
    action replay
    - and
    - encore
    - every
    - instant replay
    - pardon
    - parrot-fashion
    - recurrence
    - repeat
    - repetition
    - replay
    - action
    - instant
    * * *
    [de acción, dicho] repetition; [de programa] repeat;
    una repetición de los resultados de 2002 a repeat of the 2002 results;
    la repetición (de la jugada) the (Br action o US instant) replay;
    fusil de repetición repeater, repeating firearm
    * * *
    f repetition
    * * *
    1) : repetition
    2) : rerun, repeat
    * * *
    repetición n repetition

    Spanish-English dictionary > repetición

  • 9 Data

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Data

  • 10 sector no comercial, el

    = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the
    Ex. This article describes a questionnaire survey of special librarians in the profit and not-for-profit sector to determine their use of interactive communications technology.
    Ex. The marketing approach in the non-profit sector emphasizes the adoption of marketing-oriented administration in libraries to increase their value.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sector no comercial, el

  • 11 sector no comercial

    el sector no comercial
    = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the

    Ex: This article describes a questionnaire survey of special librarians in the profit and not-for-profit sector to determine their use of interactive communications technology.

    Ex: The marketing approach in the non-profit sector emphasizes the adoption of marketing-oriented administration in libraries to increase their value.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sector no comercial

  • 12 установившийся режим

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > установившийся режим

См. также в других словарях:

  • Interactive television — (generally known as iTV) describes a number of techniques that allow viewers to interact with television content as they view it. Definitions of Interactive TelevisionInteractive television represents a continuum from low interactivity (TV on/off …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive whiteboard — at CeBIT 2007 …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive fiction — Interactive fiction, often abbreviated IF, describes software simulating environments in which players use text commands to control characters and influence the environment. Works in this form can be understood as literary narratives and as… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive advertising — uses online or offline interactive media to communicate with consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and public service announcements, corporate or political groups.In the inaugural issue of the Journal of Interactive Advertising,… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive evolutionary computation — (IEC) or Aesthetic Selection is a general term for methods of evolutionary computation that use human evaluation. Usually human evaluation is necessary when the form of fitness function is not known (for example, visual appeal or attractiveness;… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive journalism — is a new type of journalism that allows consumers to directly contribute to the story. Through Web 2.0 technology, reporters can develop a conversation with the audience. [ [http://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/pressthink/2006/06/27/ppl frmr …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive Fiction — (oftmals IF abgekürzt, englisch für interaktive Fiktion oder auch interaktive Belletristik) ist eine Art von Computerprogrammen, die in Textform Geschichten erzählt, in die der Spieler durch Texteingaben eingreifen kann. Die bekannteste und am… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Interactive writing — is a method used in literacy teaching, especially for young children, whereby the students have the opportunity to practice their reading and writing skills in a safe and creative environment. In this method the teacher(s) and students write to… …   Wikipedia

  • interactive marketing — UK US noun [U] MARKETING, E COMMERCE ► a method of marketing using the internet, where the customer is shown products that they may like to buy, for example based on products they have bought or looked at before, or based on the internet search… …   Financial and business terms

  • Interactive proof system — In computational complexity theory, an interactive proof system is an abstract machine that models computation as the exchange of messages between two parties. The parties, the verifier and the prover, interact by exchanging messages in order to… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive Multimedia at TCNJ — The Interactive Multimedia program was created in 2003 at The College of New Jersey. It is a major that contains three different disciplines: Digital Media, Interactive Computing, and Professional Writing. In 2006 these paths were headed by… …   Wikipedia

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